
Das wichtigste ist für mich im „Jetzt“ zu Leben, denn nur dort kann ich mein Sein und Wirken vollbringen um meinem letzten Lebensabschnitt das zu geben, nämlich ein zufriedenes, freies und glückliches Leben zu führen auch mit der Diagnose MS(Multiple Sklerose)!


26 März 2021

Bunte Frühlingswelt


50x70 weissen Karton mit Gelund Filzstifte gemalt 


digitale Blumeblüte 

Überall wachsen die Narzissen und Schneeglöckchen und Windbuschröschen jetzt ob an den Kanälen oder  an den Strassen

Im Februar gab es eine wunderbare leckere geräucherte Fischplatte

 Art Journal Journey  a single flower

Rain´s Thurday  Motion and Movement 

Paint Party Friday

💖Herzliche Grüsse Elke 💖

23 Kommentare:

  1. I'm back to enjoy your doodle birds all over again Elke, I do love them. How lovely do those daffodils look, my Mother in Laws garden is full of them, bulbs taken from her own Father's garden many many years ago and they come out to greet her every year.
    Best wishes this weekend & a very Happy PPF Hugs Tracey xx Take care.

  2. Fabelhaft, liebe Elke, Alles sieht so schöne und frühlingshaft aus, in den Fotos wie auch in Deiner Kreationen. Und Deine Fischplatte, so lecker, schade dass ich sowas noch nicht essen darf! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund, und vielen Dank fürs Verlinken zu AJJ! Alles Liebe, Valerie

  3. Von der leckeren Fischplatte habe ich mir gleich etwas mitgenommen liebe Elke, besonders liebe ich den Butterfisch.
    Und ja, so viele schöne Narzissen blühen überall das tut der Seele gut. Deine Bilder sind wie immer zauberhaft.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönes gemütliches Wochenende.
    Lieben Gruß

  4. ...wonderful spring colors. My early daffodils are just beginning to show color.

  5. It is so good to see your birds drawing coloured so beautifully and I think it must have been a very pleasant task to add the colours. Your kaleidoscope patterns are so lovely too, like fantastical Single Flowers. I admire all the bright daffodil photographs too, they are so wonderful to see at this time of year.
    Thanks for all your entries to this month's theme, Elke, including this one.

  6. Fantastic art again, just love the doodled birds, wonderful. Have a great weekend.

  7. Wow, love your pieces, the birds are so beautiful. Have a lovely weekend. Anesha

  8. You have so many beautiful flowers blooming Elke. Those photos make me happy and hopeful. We still have mud and melting snow but soon. I love seeing these photos while I am waiting for blooms here. And your birds are beautiful too. They seem to be happy in the spring weather as they flitter about in the colorful sky. I even think the smoked fish looks good. This is really a wonderful post my friend. Thanks for sharing with us at AJJ. Have a wonderful start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

  9. Amazing digitale Blumeblüte ! I know that was very difficult to accomplish.

  10. Im Frühling kommt mit dem Sonnenschein auch die Lebensfreude zurück. Herrlich, diese Meere von gelben Osterglocken!
    An der Fischplatte würde ich mich sofort bedienen, denn wir lieben geräucherten Fisch.
    Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende.
    Liebe Grüße von Ingrid, der Pfälzerin

  11. Lovely art Elke! Beautiful daffodils.

  12. The digital flower blossoms are so interesting in this spin. Wow, the daffodils are so plentiful and so pretty. A sure sign of Spring. We are only just getting our grass to turn green this week, so the daffodils and tulips will be a little while yet. I’m anxious to say the least. In the meantime I’m enjoying seeing your Spring.

  13. Such a lovely post.
    I like your art, the spring flowers are delightful and the food looks delicious.

    My good wishes,

    All the best Jan

  14. That doodle bird art is fabulous!!! And look at all the lovely spring flowers....
    and oh would I love to dig in to that delicious platter!!

  15. I had to come and see the finished bird art :) Gorgeous!

    And lovely to see all those daffodils :)

  16. Da sehe ich alles, was das wintergeplagte Herz nun im Frühling zur vollkommemen Freude braucht! Blumen und Fisch und Kunst! Sonnen-Grüße vom Bayerwald, wir sind noch so ziemlich in der Nichtblüte.

  17. Hope "Springs" eternal and these are beautiful pictures of Spring and hope. We are just beginning to see the green push up through the ground, so there is time to pass before we can enjoy our own Spring, but your Spring brings hope already. Beautiful, beautiful and the digital flowers along with your birds say it all ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  18. "I wandered lonely as a cloud, That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host of golden daffodils" (William Wordsworth)
    Such a beautiful spring flower and how lovely to see so many as you wander around your area. Thank you for those beautiful photographs.
    Such a beautiful pen and ink piece. What beautiful birds you have drawn and then the coloured version is so wonderful.
    Hugs, Neet x

  19. So much detail in your art! Love it and the colors. Very cool. Your flowers and food pictures are fabulous too - thanks for sharing them!!!!

  20. Oooh! Those beautiful birds again and another wonderful flower for AJJ! Love seeing those daffodils! Hugs,Chrisx

  21. Elke, I nearly forgot about the art after looking at that fish platter!!! YUUUUUUMMMMMMM!!! :) What beautiful flowers! And you know what? NOW I like your birds with colour lol! :) Beautiful work! :)


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