
Das wichtigste ist für mich im „Jetzt“ zu Leben, denn nur dort kann ich mein Sein und Wirken vollbringen um meinem letzten Lebensabschnitt das zu geben, nämlich ein zufriedenes, freies und glückliches Leben zu führen auch mit der Diagnose MS(Multiple Sklerose)!


25 März 2021

Motion and Movement


Orignal mit schwarzer Gelstift auf 50x70cm dicken Karton
Bei den weiteren Bilder digitaler Hintergrund mit eingearbeitet 

Morgen zeige ich das fertige Bild noch!

Die Bewegungen der Vögel, sie sind  die  Akrobaten der Lüfte sind
und im Frühling leben sie richtig auf

Rain´s Thursday Art Date zum Thema  Motion and Movement

Art -Journal Journey  A single Flower

Ich wünsche euch einen schönen Donnerstag!

💖Herzliche Grüsse Elke 💖

20 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Elke, Deine Bilder sind eine Augenweide, wie immer, ich bin begeistert! Dir einen wunderschönen Tag, bleib gesund, Hugs, Valerie

  2. Das sind ja wieder traumschöne Motive, die sowohl in schwarz- weiß wie auch farbig eine tolle Wirkung ausüben.Bin begeistert liebe Elke.
    Es grüßt dich Sieghild

  3. I love every piece of art you created in this post, Elke. They are uplifting and beautiful. Thanks for sharing your talent.
    Enjoy the day and be in safe hands xx

  4. Your art with the birds is beautifully drawn and painted and I love to see the steps in making it and the changes you make with photo-editing.
    A special thanks for this amazing fantasy Single Flower painting with the ornate frame and its two fairy guardians. I like it very much.
    Thanks so much for this and all the other precious flowers you have made for my theme at AJJ.

  5. Gorgeous, Bravo,
    Happy Thursday Elke


  6. Elkes you are so talented with your pens and papers. The black & white are equally as good as the coloured. Happy Thursday.

  7. Liebe Elke,

    das hast Du wieder ganz toll gezeichnet. Sieht wunderschön aus.

    Liebe Grüße

  8. Wow so much beautiful art here. I love the birds just beautiful.

  9. Beautiful art Elke! I love the birds!
    Alison xx

  10. Wenn ich Deine Bilder anschaue , die schön gearbeitet sind, stelle ich fest, alles wird immer bunter und lebendiger. Ich hoffe im Leben zur Zeit wird es auch so werden.
    Sei lieb gegrüsst und ich wünsche Dir schon mal schöne Ostertage mit viel Zuversicht, Klärchen

  11. Your birds are beautiful and isn't it wonderful that they are singing in the trees now and the first wisps of spring are in the air. Your art is always meaningful and beautiful. And I agree, Love is always the winner and it makes me wonder why our world is so full of hate now ... Sad, I do hope that love will win the hatesr over. Stay safe and well, Elke ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  12. Zauber-haft, wie sich die Vögel von digitaler Hand in die Farbigkeit begeben. Ja: VERY TALENTED, liebe Elke!

  13. Oh Elke you doodle birds are so pretty, it's a beautiful thing to see them move and flutter as they busy themselves with their nests. Wonderful works of art. Hugs Tracey x

  14. Your birds are so incredibly well done, Elke. You show great movement with them. They are beautiful, too. I also love the single flower In that beautiful frame for Sheila's theme at Art Journal Journey. I agree that love wins over hate most of the time. I wish we didn't have so much of it in our world right now.

  15. your artwork is stunning. I have no clue of how you manage to do it. Each piece must take a lot of time to create. Love it!

  16. Elke,

    What beautiful colors you used in your bird artwork! Birds in flight certainly is a good choice for the theme. I could've included a few more past illustrations had I thought about birds. Your heart drawing looks like pieces of wrapped chocolate are falling out of the design. I guess I want chocolate, huh? lol Thanks for sharing and for visiting last week. Have a wonderful week, my dear!

  17. Oh My! The birds are so beautiful! I love the flower and the fairies too - such bright cheerful art, hugs, Chrisx

  18. Hi Elke! :) I really love your black and white birds...what great detail. I think I prefer them without the colours! :)


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